The wild ones...
Martin started this. Him and his wife gave me a breeding quartet and some juveniles of Betta imbellis. They bred as easy as any splendens I ever had and they are beautiful fish too. He also gave me a very much appreciated contact to Nonn in Thailand.
Jesper added even more wood to this fire. He sold me 6 Betta foerschis. They were even more fascinating. I never had any luck breeding them, but they were beautiful and breath taking never the less.
Nonn got me all nuts about the wild species, sending me 6 Betta pi. What they lack in color they most certainly make up for in personality. They eventually died on me. I missed them a lot and was happy when Torben got me some new ones. Now I just need his good luck so that they will breed for me.

From that point on it was impossible to stop. Nonn send over some Betta sp. mahachais, and more species followed soon after from other people and shops. Aside from the mahachais and the imbellis it was so so with the breeding. A few editae babies was all I got from the mouth brooders for a long time. Then I got a pair of Betta albimarginata's and that became a turning point. They bred in no time and apparently the pugnax's heard about it, because a few weeks later they presented a nice spawn too.

At this time I have seven wild species of bettas, the pugnax breeding without end and the rest on what seems to be a permanent strike. I need to get them into larger tanks and feed them a bit more I think. Maybe I should let them empty one of all those guppy tanks...hmmm....

Betta akarensis pair.

Betta unimaculata

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