If you came looking for a site like planet catfish or loaches online, I have to disappoint you.
Even though being a cyber freak, I am not being wildly enthusiastic when it comes to building elaborate web pages. I work on the page when I feel inspired or bored.
This is mostly a winter thing for me.
So, here you will find PI's not at all perfect fishy website. I plan on moving my things from fishtank.dk here and to upload my pictures here too.
The site is primarily in English. I have a bit of material written in Danish and I do plan to move it here eventually.
The reason for me to make the site mostly in English is because it reach more people this way and also the vast majority of my fish contacts are not Danish.

Content of the fishy part of the  site:
My species list, it might not at all times be up to date, but it always looks like the sales list of a pet store.
My fishy saga, part one. (New edition)
My fishy saga, part two. (New edition)
New fish from Germany, winter 2003
Back to the HM's (New)
Why cichlids? -Or rather why not! (Planned)
Guppies and other livebearers. (Planned)
Tetra breeding. (Planned)
Barbs, danios and rasboras breeding. (Planned)
Water, chemistry explained in painstaking detail (Planned)
Were do I start with fish tanks? (Planned, beginners aid)
Idiot proof plants (Planned)
Showtime! PI's bad advice on showing fish tanks. (Planned)
Empty a fish tank, fill my bank account! My stock shop. No sales outside the European Union.


A pair of Archocentrus spec. cutteri. A very pretty and relatively peaceful
Central American cichlid. They doesn't dig, doesn't tear the plants and they can be kept
with other species of fish without problems, provided there are room for the cichlids to make a
small terretorry when they breed (and that is all the time). Female to the right in spawning colors.

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